Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Stonehenge, the pre-historic monument is located about 90 miles southwest of London. We took a day tour to Salisbury and Stonehenge. We reached Salisbury by train and after a brief tour around the town including the trip to the magnificient cathedral, we took the bus to Stonehenge. The bus trip through rural parts of England with lush green fields on either side of the winding roads, appeared to be a scene out of Robert Frost's poem.
Historians and archeologists predict, without any actual conclusion, that the early constructions started around 8000 BC, although the actual structure that you see today was erected around 2200BC. It is nothing but tall standing stones set in a circular shape. To put things in perspective, the pyramid of giza was built in 2500 BC and the pyramid of Saqqara, the oldest in Egypt was built in 2600 BC, before the Stonehenge. Some say the American stonehenge (Yes American stonehenge in New Hampshire) was built much before the UK stonehenge. There are many theories of how the Stonehenge was erected and one fine day the uncovered mysteries and significance surrounding the structure may be discovered.
Stonehenge does look impressive when you see in picture but it was somewhat a dissappointment to see a bunch of stones in circular shape, although we were advised prior to our visit.


Painting Tips and Tricks said...

I like your blog!...Daniel

Dhinakar Baskaran said...

Thanks. I did like your blog and your paintings. I am a beginner artist myself and love oil painting. I will have to go through all your tips and tricks and learn from your blogs.


Silpa Swarnapuri said...

Stunning Picture, DB - did you tinker with it or was the sky that crazy awesome?

Dhinakar Baskaran said...

Thanks...beginners photoshoping..Just changed saturation a little...